What Part of Normal Is Worth Rushing Back To?

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I’ve been thinking a LOT about this lately.

I’ve been waiting for normal. I LIKE normal. I like normal because I know what to expect. Really, it’s a control thing. If I know it, I can expect it and control it. (Any other #enneagram1 people out there?) But the last 11 weeks have shown me that there are some things in my life that shouldn’t be normal. Things I should say no to. People I need to say no to. Other things that I need to prioritize to make more important.

I’m not great at resting. I want to fit as much as I can into my days. I tend to rush from thing to thing with the goal of crossing things off my list. I push emotions and problems away and had adopted the motto, “It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine.” Apparently I’m not alone because a t-shirt with that motto keeps popping up in my Instagram ads.

As things continue to open up and feel reminiscent of “normal,” it is time to establish new routines. Are there things you shouldn’t rush back to?

Identifying the problem areas is the easy part. The challenge is having the strength to make the changes. 🖤🧡

Focusing On What I Can Control

The Need to Get Away