Clarity. Vision. Purpose. Goals.
No matter what word you use, it's important to have it.
I started Sandra Alyce Creative Services in 2011 with one project, a thrown-together-at-the-last-minute logo and no real plan. The whole thing was kind of an accident, to be honest.
But nine years later, I know my goals. I have clarity and vision and purpose. It's not going to happen overnight, but I know what I want and I'm hustling after it.
It's not easy. It's not quick. It takes sacrifice. It takes early mornings before everyone wakes up and late nights after everyone goes to bed. It means feeling silly while getting photos taken at popular local food halls so that I can build my website. It means a lot of uncomfortable self-promotion. It means staring at Excel spreadsheets and figuring out small business taxes.
But I know where I want to go. 🧡
SandraAlyce Creative Services is dedicated to helping small businesses, nonprofits and individuals with their graphic design, marketing, photography, branding and social media needs.
To find out more about how Sandy can help you, click the button below.