Disappointed and bitter.
Who really likes to talk about the things in life that lead us to those raw and painful feelings? I mean, it's so much more attractive to push the feelings down and pretend like everything is fine, right?
But hiding the emotions doesn't make them go away. Unfortunately.
A few years ago, I had a job opportunity that I thought was perfectly suited to me. I had been freelancing for the company for several years, and I was excited when a full-time position became available. I filled out the lengthy application, updated my resume, sat through a series of interviews and even spoke to the department head and president. They showed me the pay and benefits, talked to me about where my office would be, and discussed my schedule. All that was left was to sign on the dotted line.
And then came the email (while I was on vacation!) that they decided to re-list the position and wait for additional candidates.
And THEN came a letter welcoming me to the organization, accidentally sent by someone who didn't get the memo that I hadn't been hired after all. Ouch...salt in the wound.
I wish I could say that I didn't let the disappointment and bitterness affect me for long, but that would be a lie. And the bitterness affected my attitude towards the organization (which I continued to freelance for). It even affected some of my relationships.
But while I don't believe the adage that "time heals all wounds," I do think that time can heal some. I would have left a job that I loved for a job that I thought I would love more, but I can look back now—four years later—and see how much better my life is because I didn't get that job. I actually think I would have ended up hating that job.
So if you're feeling disappointed and bitter about something right now — a job or finances or a family situation or whatever — I hope that time will help you too. It might take weeks or months or, as it did for me, years. But keep plugging away to find what you love doing, and then throw yourself into it.
Unless you make the choice to set the emotions aside, disappointment and bitterness will steal too much from you. Don't let them.